This monthly snapshot shows a mixed performance for the Equity futures markets. The best performer in the Japanese market was JPX Prime 150 Index, Dec 24 with a +0.46% gain. The best performer in the USA market is the E-mini MidCap 400,… more
This monthly snapshot shows a mixed performance for the Equity futures markets. The best performer in the Japanese market was the Nikkei 225 (Osaka), Dec 24 with a +3.19% gain. The best performer in… more
September ended with a mostly positive movement for the Equity futures markets. The best performer in the Japanese market was the JPX Prime 150 Index, Dec 24 with a +3.74% gain. The best performer… more
This monthly snapshot shows a mixed performance for the Equity futures markets. The best performer in the Japanese market was the TSE REIT Index, Sep 24 with a +2.51% gain. The best performer in the… more
This monthly snapshot shows a mixed performance for the Equity futures markets. The best performer in the Japanese market was the TSE REIT Index, Sep 24 with a -0.15% loss. The best performer in the… more
This monthly snapshot shows a mixed performance for the Equity futures markets. The best performer in the Japanese market was the JPX Prime 150 Index, Sep 24 with a +5.13% gain. The best performer… more
【英語】Global Fixed Income Futures Performance&Global Equity Futures Performance(November 2024)
This monthly snapshot shows a mixed performance for the Equity futures markets. The best performer in the Japanese market was JPX Prime 150 Index, Dec 24 with a +0.46% gain. The best performer in the USA market is the E-mini MidCap 400,… more
【英語】Global Fixed Income Futures Performance & Global Equity Futures Performance (October)
This monthly snapshot shows a mixed performance for the Equity futures markets. The best performer in the Japanese market was the Nikkei 225 (Osaka), Dec 24 with a +3.19% gain. The best performer in… more
【英語】Global Fixed Income Futures Performance & Global Equity Futures Performance (September)
September ended with a mostly positive movement for the Equity futures markets. The best performer in the Japanese market was the JPX Prime 150 Index, Dec 24 with a +3.74% gain. The best performer… more
TFX TONA3か月金利先物におけるインプライド機能について(英語のみ)
※インプライド・アウト機能… more
【英語】Global Equity Futures & Global Fixed Income Futures Performance (August)
This monthly snapshot shows a mixed performance for the Equity futures markets. The best performer in the Japanese market was the TSE REIT Index, Sep 24 with a +2.51% gain. The best performer in the… more
【英語】Monthly Global Equity & Fixed Income Futures Performance(July)
This monthly snapshot shows a mixed performance for the Equity futures markets. The best performer in the Japanese market was the TSE REIT Index, Sep 24 with a -0.15% loss. The best performer in the… more
Abaxx Exchangeと提携のお知らせ
CQG(シーキュージー)は、マーケットメイカー、トレーダー、ブローカー、ヘッジャー、および取引所向けの高性能テクノロジーソリューションを提供するグローバルリーダーとして、Abaxx Exchangeとの提携を発表しました。この提携により、CQGユーザーはエネルギー、金属及びエネルギー・トランジションに関連する商品など、新たなベンチマークとなる先物にアクセスできるようになります。
… more【英語】Monthly Global Equity & Fixed Income Futures Performance(June)
This monthly snapshot shows a mixed performance for the Equity futures markets. The best performer in the Japanese market was the JPX Prime 150 Index, Sep 24 with a +5.13% gain. The best performer… more
CQG Global FXのご紹介
CQGはNetdania社と提携し、世界中のTier1の銀行や非銀行系金融機関から提供されるリアルタイム為替情報や最大50年間分のヒストリカルデータをCQGプラットフォーム上で閲覧できるようになりました。閲覧可能な通貨ペアは430を超え、CQG Integrated Client/CQG QTraderユーザーは、Symbol Search左側の「CQG Global FX」にチェックを付けることで、閲覧可能な通貨ペア一覧を確認することができます。
また、… more
本記事では、CQG Integrated Client、CQG QTraderから取引所がサポートするUDS(ユーザー定義ストラテジー、権利行使価格が異なるオプション市場におけるスプレッド取引)を作成、発注する機能、Strategy Analysisを紹介します。
Strategy Analysisは、CQG Integrated Client/CQG QTrader画面左上の「Strategy Analysis」から開くことができます。
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